Installingthe Adapter 2-5
2.5 Post-Installation Procedures(Optional)
Perform the following tasks to verify and customize the performance of the
SunSwift SBus Adapter.

2.5.1 Watching Network Activity

Make sure that you are connected to an active network.
Youcan watch network activity or incoming network packets by typing
the following:
Note – The network speed is the same as the speed of the hub to which your
system is connected. See Section 2.5.3 “Auto-Negotiation” and Section 2.5.4
“Configuring Driver Parameters” for information on speed selection.

2.5.2 Running Diagnostics

Refer to the SunVTS 1.0 User’s Guide document for diagnostic tests for the
SunSwift SBus Adapter.
ok watch-net-all
hme register test -- succeeded.
Internal loopback test -- succeeded.
Transceiver check -- Using Onboard Transceiver, 100 Mbps Link
Down, 10 Mbps Link Up, passed
Using Onboard Transceiver, 100 Mbps Link Down, 10 Mbps Link Up,
Looking for Ethernet packets.
'.' is a good packet. 'X' is a bad packet.
Type any key to stop.