A guide to the benefits of juicing
Fruit / Vegetable Source of Benefits KJ per 100g
Apples Carotenes,pectin,potassium, Mayhelpinthetreatment 150kj/100g
vitamin C and dietary fibre, of constipation.
energy giving carbohydrates.
Apricots Beta-carotene,iron,vitaminC, Highinnaturalsugarsforenergy. 280kj/100g
dietary fibre.
Banana Potassium, carbohydrates, Providessustainedenergy. 225kj/100g
dietary fibre, vitamin B6, vitamin C.
Beetroot Folate,potassium,leafytopsarerich Thefolateisexcellentfor 120kj/100g
in beta carotene, calcium and iron. healthy cells.
Blueberries Carotenoids,vitaminC. Antibacterial. 200kj/100g
Capsicum HighinvitaminC,beta carotene. 1redcapsicumhasenoughvitaminC 135kj/100g
Carrots Betacarotene,folate,dietaryfibre. Mayhelpwithnightvision. 100kj/100g
Celery Only smallamountsofvitamins Helpstocleanmouthandteeth. 50kj/100g
and minerals.
Cherries VeryhighinvitaminC,dietaryfibre. Mayhelptostabilisetheheartbeat 170kj/100g
and also keeps the skin healthy.
Cucumber Onlysmallamountsofvitamins Mayhelpwithflatulence. 30-50kj/100g
and minerals.
Fennel Betacarotene,folate. Fennelseedsaregoodfordigestion. 50kj/100g
Ginger Aids in digestion and is good for
nausea and improves circulation.
Grapefruit RichinvitaminC,fibre,bioflavenoids. PinkgrapefruitcontainsLycopene 110kj/100g
which is an anti-cancer agent and
may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
HoneydewMelon VitaminC,smallamountsof Maystimulatethekidneystohelp 130kj/100g
carotenoids. function better.
Kiwi Fruit Beta carotene, vitamin C, Helps in digestion and cleansing
bioflavenoids,dietaryfibre. oftheskin. 180kj/100g
Lemon Bioflavenoids,limonene,pectin, Thepectinmayhelpreduce 95kj/100g
vitamin C. blood cholesterol.
Lime Bioflavenoids,limonene,pectin, Thepectinmayhelpreduce 90kj/100g
vitamin C. blood cholesterol.
Mandarins VitaminC,betacarotene,folate, VitaminChelps buildthe 165kj/100g
immune system