SUPER MICRO Computer H8DCT-HLN4F user manual  Event Log Configuration

Models: H8DCT-HLN4F

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IP Address

This submenu sets the IP address source as either Static or DHCP. Selecting Static allows you to manually set the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway Address.

In the field provided here enter the IP address in the decimal form of with xxx having a value of less than 256 and in decimal form only The IP address and current IP address in the BMC are shown.

Subnet Mask

In the field provided here enter the Subnet address in the decimal form of with xxx having a value of less than 256 and in decimal form only. The current subnet address in the BMC is shown.

Gateway Address

In the field provided here enter the Gateway address in the decimal form of with xxx having a value of less than 256 and in decimal form only. The current Gateway address in the BMC is shown.

MAC Address

In the field provided here enter the MAC address in the hex form of xx.xx.xx.xx. xx.xx with xx in hex form only. The current MAC address in the BMC is shown.

Event Log Configuration

View Event Log

Pressing the Enter key will open the event log. Use the "" and "" keys to navigate through the system event log.

Mark All Events as Read

Selecting this and pressing the Enter key marks all events as read in the event log.

Clear Event Log

Selecting this and pressing the Enter key clears the system event log.

SR56x0 (RD890S) PCIE Error Log

This setting allows you set an error log ofr PCIE errors. Options include Yes or No.


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SUPER MICRO Computer H8DCT-HLN4F user manual  Event Log Configuration