Chapter 4: AMI BIOS
4-13for Serial Port1 are Disabled, 3F8/IRQ4, 2E8/IRQ3. The options for Serial Port2 are
Disabled, 2F8/IRQ3, and 2E8/IRQ3.
Remote Access
This allows the user to enable the Remote Access feature. The options are Dis-
abled and Enabled.
If Remote Access is set to Enabled, the following items will display:
Serial Port Number
This feature allows the user decide which serial port to be used for Console
Redirection. The options are COM 1, COM 2 and COM 3.
Serial Port Mode
This feature allows the user to set the serial port mode for Console Redirection.
The options are 115200 8, n 1; 57600 8, n, 1; 38400 8, n, 1; 19200 8, n, 1; and
9600 8, n, 1.
Flow Control
This feature allows the user to set the ow control for Console Redirection. The
options are None, Hardware, and Software.
Redirection After BIOS POST
Select Disabled to tur n o ff Console Redire ction after Power- On Self-Test
(POST). Select Always to keep Console Redirection active all the time after
POST. (Note: This settin g may not be supported by so me operating sys tems.)
Select Boot Loader to keep Cons ole Redirection active dur ing POST and Boot
Loader. The options are Disabled, Boot Loa der, and Always.
Terminal Type
This feature allows the user to select the target terminal type for Console Redi-
rection. The options are ANSI, VT100, and VT-UTF8.
VT-UTF8 Combo Key Support
A terminal keyboard denition that provides a way to send commands from a
remote console. Available options are Enabled and Disabled.
Sredir Memory Display Delay
This feature denes the length of time in seconds to display memory information.
The options are No Delay, Delay 1 Sec, Delay 2 Sec, and Delay 4 Sec.