People often have questions about impedance. What is it? The root of the word "impedance" is the verb "impede", which means to block or resist. That's what impedance is - resistance to power.
Power amps do not have a
of the concept is off the mark.
Unlike power amps, every speaker cabinet has a
You may be thinking that you've found the solution to the universe - just use speaker cabinets with really low impedances and you can get
it will get.
Here's what this means to the power amp in the Power 750. The Minimum Impedance Rating of the Power 750 is 2.6 ohms. This means that you can connect:
a)two 8 ohm cabinets
b)one 8 ohm and one 4 ohm cabinet
c)three 8 ohm cabinets
Damage to the power amplifier in your Power 750 may occur if speaker enclosures with total impedances less than the minimum loads listed above are connected to the speaker output section.
The owner's manual that came with your speaker cabinet should state its total impedance. On SWR speaker enclosures, the total impedance is generally indicated on the speaker's input panel.
So how do you determine the total impedance of two cabinets hooked up to your Power 750?
Here's a quick key of the most common setups:
One 8 ohm enclosure + one 8 ohm enclosure = 4 ohms total impedance (OK)
One 8 ohm enclosure + one 4 ohms enclosure = 2.6 ohms total impedance (OK)
One 4 ohm enclosure + one 4 ohm enclosure = 2 ohms total impedance (NOT OK!)
Here's another formula: To figure out the total impedance of two or more cabinets of equal value hooked up in parallel, divide the impedance of one cabinet by the number of cabinets:
Impedance of one cabinet / number of cabinets = total impedance
(For an even more