Congratulations on your purchase of the SWR Power 750! You now own one of the meanest, toughest and loudest power amps ever made specifically for bass guitar.
Bassists have a unique burden when it comes to power, because it takes considerably more power to amplify lower frequencies than it does for higher ones. That's why your guitarist can blow people away with his 100 watt combo amp, and you can't even leave the house with less than 200 watts if you want to be heard at all in a high-
volume situation. Our loyal customer base has been telling us for years that they
wanted a really simple, really loud bass amp. We responded in 1999 with the Bass 750, a
So the Power 750 is a natural extension of the idea that spawned the Bass 750. Make it simple, turn it up, scare the neighbors. There's no switching power supply or digital anything inside. It's all true solid- state power, immediately available at the touch of your finger to the string. The noise and power specifica- tions are exacting, in most cases similar to (or better than) our Stereo 800 power amp, a Bass Player Magazine
We truly hope that your purchase of the SWR Power 750 helps bring out the best in your playing and adds to your enjoyment of music. To that end, we ask that you read this Owner's Manual carefully and thorough- ly so that you can fully realize the potential of your new Power 750. After all, with more than a full "one horsepower" (one HP = 746 watts) behind you, you'd better know what you're doing before you do it.
Note: Please take a moment to verify that the following items were included in your Power 750 packaging: AC cable, Owner's Manual, SWR Catalog.