Recording / Dubbing
Before you
Recording /
Dubbing Playback Editing
Connections Other Setups VCR functions Others Español
Initial Setups
Dubbing from HDD / DVD to Videotape (Contd)
3Using / ,select Select Program.
Press ENTER.
Program List will appear.
4Using / ,select a desired program.
Press ENTER.
Program List Menu will appear.
5Using / , select Add to Dubbing List..
Press ENTER.
The selected program is now added to the Dubbing List.
If you want to select programs from the Playlist,
select Playlistand pressENTER to call up the
Playlist.Then follow the steps 4 to 5. (Be noted that
Original List programs and the Playlist programs can
not be entered together in one Dubbing List.)
If more than one program is already in the Dubbing
List,a green line will appear in the Dubbing List.
Using / move the line to the position you want
to insert the program,then press ENTER.The
program is now inserted in the selected position.
6Repeat the steps 4 to 5 until you select all
to be dubbed.
7After selecting all the programs you want,press
RETURN to go back to the Dubbing Top Menu.
Or press ENTER to call up the option window and
select Decide.
Then press ENTERto go back to the Dubbing Top Menu.
Using / , select Dubbing Start.
Press ENTER.
Confirmation window will appear.
Using / ,select Yes .PressENTER.
Dubbing will start.
It may take a while to prepare for the dubbing.
To stop the dubbing while in the dubbing
preparation mode:
Press VCRfirst, then press STOP C.Or,press
STOP/EJECT CAon the front panel.
To stop the dubbing in progress:
Press VCRfirst, then press STOP Cand hold it for 2 sec-
onds.Or,press STOP/EJECT CAon the front panel.
HDD HDD VCR DubVCR Dubbingbing
Yes NoNo
StarStart DubDubbing?
Dubbing List
DubDubbing Starbing Start
Select ProgSelect Programam
Direction HDD Direction HDD VCRVCR
2 2 Title 2Title 2
4 4 Title 4Title 4
Dubbing List
Program List (Oram List (Original)
1 1 Title 1Title 1
2 2 Title 2Title 2
3 3 Title 3Title 3
4 4 Title 4Title 4
5 5 Title 5Title 5
6 6 Title 6Title 6
7 7 Title 7Title 7
8 8 Title 8Title 8
2 2 Title 2Title 2
Add to DubAdd to Dubbing List.
Dubbing List
Program List (Oram List (Original)
1 1 Title 1Title 1
2 2 Title 2Title 2
3 3 Title 3Title 3
4 4 Title 4Title 4
5 5 Title 5Title 5
6 6 Title 6Title 6
7 7 Title 7Title 7
8 8 Title 8Title 8
Dubbing List
DubDubbing Starbing Start
Select ProgSelect Programam
Direction HDD Direction HDD VCRVCR
Note for Dubbing from HDD / DVD
to Videotape
You can not change the device mode between VCR
and HDD / DVD during the HDD / DVD to VCR
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