Wand Emulation Interface
Wand Emulation Default ParametersTable 9-1 lists the defaults for Wand Emulation host types. If you wish to change any option,
scan the appropriate bar code(s) provided in the Wand Emulation Host Parameters section
beginning on page 9-4.
Note:See Appendix A, Standard Default Parameters for all user
preferences, hosts, symbologies, and miscellaneous default
Table 9-1. Wand Emulation Default Table
Parameter Default Page
Wand Emulation Host Parameters
Wand Emulation Host Types Symbol OmniLink
Interface Controller19-4
Leading Margin 80 msec 9-5
Polarity Bar High/Margin Low 9-6
Ignore Unknown Characters Send Bar Codes 9-7
Convert All Bar Codes to Code 39 Disable 9-8
Convert Code 39 to Full ASCII Disable 9-9
1User selection is required to configure this interface and this is the most common selection.