Advanced Data Formatting
products that carry UPC bar codes, placed there by the manufacturer. The Code 128 bar
codes have the following format:
Where: M = Manufacturer ID
P = Part Number
D = Destination Code
The distribution center uses a PC with dedicated control characters for manufacturer ID
<CTRL M>, part number <CTRL P>, and destination code <CTRL D>. At this center the
UPC data is treated as manufacturer ID code.
The following rules need to be entered:
When scanning data of code type Code 128, send the next 5 characters, send the
manufacturer ID key <CTRL M>, send the next 5 characters, send the part number key
<CTRL P>, send the next 2 characters, send the destination code key <CTRL D>.
When scanning data of code type UPC/EAN, send all data, send the manufacturer ID
key <CTRL M>.
To enter these rules, follow the steps below:
Rule 1: The Code 128 Scanning Rule
Step Bar Code On Page Beep Indication
1 Begin New Rule 13-7 High High
2 Code 128 13-14 High High
3 Send next 5 characters 13-35 High High
4 Send <CTRL M> 13-80 High High
5 Send next 5 characters 13-35 High High
6 Send <CTRL P> 13-81 High High
7 Send next 2 characters 13-34 High High
8 Send <CTRL D> 13-77 High High
9 Save Rule 13-8 High Low High Low