PDT 8100 Series
with Windows Mobile
2003 for Pocket PCs
2. Press either the right, left, or center scan trigger. (Center scan trig-
gers vary with keypad types.)
- For terminals with a laser scanner, ensure the red scan beam
covers the entire bar code. The green scan LED lights and a
beep sounds to indicate a successful decode.
- For terminals with an imager, center the target cross hairs in the
center of the bar code. The entire symbol must be within the
brackets. The green scan LED lights and a beep sounds to indi-
cate a successful decode.
3. Release the scan trigger.
Capturing Still ImagesIn addition to scanning, terminals with an integrated imager allow you to
capture still images (depending on the software installed).
Capturing still images on the terminal is application dependent. However,
you can capture still images using the demo applications supplied with the
For detailed information about launching and using Imager Demo
(platform) and Imager Sample (application), refer to the PDT 8100 Series
with Windows Mobile 2003 Software for Pocket PCs Product Reference
Linear bar code PDF417 symbol
Aiming Pattern
6598801a.fm Page 24 Monday, December 8, 2003 2:01 PM