WINDY31 USB Wireless Router
Reviewers’ Guide
3)In Step 2, after “Program has been successfully installed“ appears, click “OK”.
Then, Windy31 has completed installation.
Connection method may differ according to
Wireless LAN device, please refer to Wireless
LAN usage method.
(For wireless device usage method, please refer to wireless device product manual or please contact the provider.)
WINDY31 Gateway Manager Setting
(Windows XP)
Windy31 Gateway Manager Setting screen.
① SSID: Name to be used in wireless connection (Default is
② Wireless mode: Assign wireless LAN mode (802.11b=11Mbps/802.11g=54Mbps)
③ Use Mac address: Assign SSID as MAC address .
④ Security Settings: Assign wireless security settings
⑤ Transmission rate: Designate transmission rate.
⑥ Channel: Assign wireless channel, automatically.
⑦ Area (Country code): Assign channel range used by each country.
⑧ Wireless LAN connection list: List of wireless device's MAC address connected to Windy31.
⑨ Bridge adapter: Allow
⑩ Switch to LAN card mode: Button to use Windy31 as LAN Adapter.
(In LAN Adapter mode, Windy31 Gateway functions cannot be used)