Owner’s Manual | |
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Declaration of conformity
Declaration de conformite
Dichiarazione di conformita
Declaraci6n de conformidad
We, | Tanaka Kogyo Co., Ltd., | |
Nous,soussign6s, |
Noi, |
Der unterzeichnete, |
Nosotros, |
vi, |
Declare under our sole responsibility that the product, power blower model |
D6clarons sous notre seule responsabilitd que le produit en question, souffleuse mdcanique mod~le
Dichiariamo sotto la nostra unica responsabilita che it prodotto, it motosoffiatore modello
Erklarl unter, eigener Verantwortung, daB das Produkt, motorgeblase model]
Declaramos dajo nuestra Onica responsabilidad que el producto, soplador mecdnico modelo
Forklarar harmed pA eget ansvar att denna produkt, motordriven grdsmattsluftare modell
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the essential safety requirements of directives. laquelle se rapporte la pr6sente d6claration est conforme aux directives concernant les conditions de s6curit6
at quale questa dichiarazione si riferisce, ~ conforme ai requisiti di sicurezza essenziali delle direttive. for das these Erklarung gilt, den wesentlichen Sicherheitsanforderungen der Directive entspricht.
que corresponde a esta declaracl6n, satisface la (s) siguiente (s) exigencia (s) de seguridad esencial (es) de las directivas.
till vilken denna deklaration tillhor, uppfyller samtliga vasentliga sakerhetskrav f6reskrivna 1 ber6rda direktiv.
89/392/EEC, 91/368/EEC, 93/44/EEC, 93/68/EEC, EMC89/336/EEC |
The following standards have been taken into consideration | IS03864, |
Les normes suivantes ont 6t6 prises en consid6ration. Sono |
stati presi in considerazione 1 seguenti standard. Die |
nachfolgenden Standards wurden in Betracht gezogen. Se ban |
tenido en consideraci6n las siguientes normas. Vi har tagit |
hansyn till f6ljande standards. |
Manufactured at: Chiba, Japan Fait A:
Luogo: Erstellt in: Fabricado en: Tillverkad av:
Firma: Sejii Tanaka
Serial No. up from | v001001 | |
No. de s6rie A partir de |
| |
Num. di serie da |
| |
| ||
No. de Serie de | en adelante | |
Serienr fr. o.m. | ||
Position: | Vice president |
Function: | |
Incarico: | Vicepresidente |
Titel: | Stellvertretender Vorsitzender |
Cargo: | Vicepresidente |
Befattning: | Vice President |
www.tanakapowerequipment.com | 13 |