3.5 Make a Call To make a call, choose Make a Call from the main menu. If you are already in a call, choose
Add another Call from the main menu to call another participant (if your system has MultiSite
capabilities). Pressing the green key on the remote has the same effect as pressing the green
button in the menu. You can enter a number manually in the input field or select the book icon
to select a contact from the phone book.
The TANDBERG system can make both video calls and telephone calls. For video calls,
choose Place Video Call in the call menu. For telephone calls, choose Place Telephone Call.
Call Settings specifies the quality of the call. In most cases you can leave call settings
If your TANDBERG system has MultiSite capabilities, you can call several participants at the
same time. Choose Add Video Call or Add Telephone Call in the call menu and more dial
fields will appear.
Choose among the buttons:
Place Video Call
Place Telephone Call
Add Video Call/Add Telephone Call
Call Settings
3.5.1 Place Video Call
It is very easy to make a Call. Think of a mobile phone; -Choose Make a Call, dial a video
number or a telephone number and hit the green key.
How to place a video call:
1. Press the green key on the remote or choose Make a Call from the Main Menu to
open the Call menu.
2. Dial a video number with the number keys (use a star as separator in IP addresses).
3. Press the green key on the remote or move the yellow selector down to the Place
Video Call icon and press OK to start the video call.