To send a postcard
1From standby select Menu > Messaging > Create new > live! Postcard.
2Select Take picture to include a new picture or select a picture from Pictures or Camera album.
3Write a message to accompany the picture.
4Select a recipient and select Send > As postcard. The picture and message will be printed on a postcard and sent to the address that you select.
Please check with your network operator if you can send Postcards from your phone or go to
You can use standard email functions and your computer email address in your phone.
Before you use email
You can use the setup wizard to check if settings are available for your email account or you can enter them manually. You can also receive settings at or
2Scroll to New account and select Add.
If you enter settings manually, you can contact your email provider for more information. An email provider could be the company that supplied your email address.
To write and send an email message
1From standby select Menu > Messaging > Email > Write new.
2Select Add > Enter email addr. Enter the email address and select OK.
3To enter more recipients, select Edit. Scroll to an option and select Add > Enter email addr.. Enter the email address and select OK. When you are ready, select Done.
4Scroll to Subject:. Select OK and enter a subject.
5Scroll to Text:. Select OK and enter the text.
6Scroll to Attachments:. Select Add and select a file to attach.
7Select Continue > Send.
To receive and read an email message
1From standby select Menu > Messaging > Email > Inbox > Options > Snd&rec.