TASCAM HD-R1 RS-232C Protocol Specifications

Output commands

Parameter value response

When the command field of a message being set contains “=” (equal sign), the HD-R1is reporting the current value of the parameter. Usually, character strings for parameter IDs and their values match the text shown on the LCD user interface screen. For example:

Input Source?

Input Source=S/PDIF

Error responses

When the command field of a message being sent to it contains “?” (question mark), if the HD-R1 cannot interpret the received message it reports an error. For example, the HD-R1 will respond as follows if it receives a parameter query for an invalid parameter called “Blah.”



If the HD-R1 receives an invalid parameter set command, it will respond as follows.



Set value refusal responses

If the HD-R1 receives a parameter set command for a valid parameter, but the value is invalid, the HD-R1 will respond with “!” (exclamation point) added to the command field.

Input Source=Blah

Input Source!Blah

If the HD-R1 receives a parameter set command for a valid parameter, but the value is missing, the HD-R1 will respond as follows.

Input Source=

Input Source!Missing Value

Some parameters can be applied only when the transport is stopped. If you try to change one of these parameters when the transport is not stopped, the HD-R1 responds with “*” (asterisk). For example, if you try to change the sampling frequency while recording, the HD-R1 will respond as follows.

WAV Sample Rate=44.1 kHz

WAV Sample Rate*44.1 kHz

Special incoming commands

End markers

By sending a line feed (LF) or carriage return and line feed (CR LF), the HD-R1 can be informed of the end of a message. The HD-R1 can accept this query or command at any time. After turning the power on, the end marker is set to CR LF by default. The following are end marker setting commands.

End Marker=LF

End Marker=CR LF


TEAC Corporation