

Auris 2000

Auris 2200

Auris ionic 2200

Benvolgut client,

Us agraïm que us hàgiu decidit a comprar un producte de la marca


La seva tecnologia, disseny i funcio- nalitat, i el fet d’haver superat les normes de qualitat més estrictes, us garanteixen una satisfacció total durant molt de temps.



BTub telescòpic d’extensió

CConjunt mànega

DDepressor manual

EMànec de la mànega

FComandament recollidor de cable

GComandament de control electrò- nic de potència

HInterruptor d’engegada / aturada

IIndicador bossa plena

JBotó obertura compartiment bossa

KNansa/es de transport:

LTapa del compartiment bossa


NAllotjament de la clavilla de con- nexió

OSabata per a superfícies delicades:

PLlança + raspall multiusos

QTapa filtro sortida

RFiltre sortida

SFiltre motor


Consells i advertiments de seguretat

-Abans d’engegar l’aparell, llegiu atentament aquest full d’instruccions i conserveu-lo per a consultes posteriors. La no-observació i l’incompliment d’aquestes instruc- cions pot donar lloc a accidents.

Seguretat elèctrica:

-No utilitzeu l’aparell amb el cable elèctric o la clavilla malmesos.

-Abans de connectar l’aparell a la xarxa, verifiqueu que el voltatge que s’indica a la placa de característiques coincideix amb el voltatge de xarxa.

-Connecteu l’aparell a una base de presa de corrent que suporti com a mínim 10 ampers.

-La clavilla de l’aparell ha de coincidir amb la base elèctrica de la presa de corrent. No modifiqueu mai la clavilla. No useu adaptadors de clavilla.

-No exposeu l’aparell a la pluja o a condicions d’humitat. L’aigua que entri a l’aparell augmentarà el risc de xoc elèctric.

-Si algun dels embolcalls de l’aparell es trenca, desconnecteu l’aparell immediatament de la xarxa per evitar la possibilitat d’un xoc elèctric.

-No forceu el cable elèctric de con- nexió. No useu mai el cable elèctric per aixecar, transportar o desendollar l’aparell.

-Verifiqueu l’estat del cable d’alimentació. Els cables malmesos o enredats augmenten el risc de xoc elèctric.

-No toqueu mai la clavilla de con- nexió amb les mans molles.




































Auris Ionic 2200.indb 9






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Taurus Group ionic 2200, 2000 manual Catala, Aspiradora Auris Auris ionic Benvolgut client, Descripció, Seguretat elèctrica

2200, 2000, ionic 2200 specifications

Taurus Group 2000 and 2200 are renowned for their innovative approach in the field of manufacturing and technology, specifically targeting various sectors including automotive, aerospace, and industrial applications. With a commitment to quality and efficiency, these machines have become fundamental tools for businesses seeking improved productivity and precision in their operations.

The Taurus Group 2000 model is characterized by its robust construction and high-performance capabilities. It features a cutting-edge design that integrates advanced automation technology, allowing for seamless operation and reduced human intervention. This model is particularly well-suited for high-volume production environments, where speed and reliability are paramount. Enhanced with user-friendly interfaces, it offers operators intuitive controls, enabling quick setup and minimal downtime.

On the other hand, the Taurus Group 2200 takes innovation a step further. This model is designed for enhanced flexibility, accommodating diverse manufacturing processes with ease. It features modular components that can be customized according to specific production needs, making it a versatile option for companies that require adaptability in their manufacturing lines. The Taurus 2200 is equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and IoT connectivity, allowing for real-time monitoring of operations and predictive maintenance capabilities.

One of the standout technologies in both models is their energy efficiency. Taurus Group has implemented advanced energy-saving technologies that optimize power consumption without compromising performance. This focus on sustainability not only lowers operational costs but also reduces the environmental footprint of manufacturing processes.

Both the 2000 and 2200 models come with robust safety features, including automatic shut-off systems, emergency stop buttons, and comprehensive safety guards, ensuring a secure working environment for operators.

In terms of overall characteristics, Taurus Group 2000 and 2200 are designed to enhance productivity, minimize waste, and maximize output quality. Their modular architecture and integration of cutting-edge technology make them invaluable assets for manufacturers aiming to stay competitive in today's fast-paced industrial landscape. With Taurus Group's focus on innovation, these machines represent the pinnacle of modern manufacturing capabilities, tailored to meet the evolving demands of various industries.