Taurus S2

User Guide


Installation on a PC


Before connecting the device, setup the RAID mode using the


selector switch at the back of the enclosure.

If the system


doesn’t recognise

If the drives have been pre-installed and setup already, you do

the drive, turn on

not need to change anything, unless you prefer a different

the power first,


before connecting


the interface cable

Turn on your Computer and start Windows.

or connect the

Connect the Taurus and turn it on.

device before

Let Windows search and install the driver automatically.

booting your

Open “My Computer” to see your external hard drive.

Operating System.



Note: For more info about formatting, see “Partitioning &



Remove Procedure

For the safe removal of your drive and to assure that no data is lost, always follow the correct unplug procedure. Otherwise, an error message will appear.

Click on the taskbar icon for external hardware

Choose your external hard drive and confirm to remove it

Page 9 / Chapter 3 - System Set Up