20 Model 490Troubleshooting Guide
1. No product being
dispensed (draw valve
open and machine in
“AUTO” mode).
a. Freeze-up in the mix inlet
hole. a. Call service technician to
adjust mix hopper
- - -
b. Beater motor out on reset. b. A llow the motor to cool. 9
c. Beater rotating
counter-clockwise from
operator end.
c. Contact service technic ian
to correct rotationto
clockwise from operator
- - -
d. Circuit breaker off or
blown fuse. d. Turn breaker on or
replace fuse. - - -
e. Inadequate mix in the mix
hopper. e. Fill mix hopper with mix. 14
2. Product too stiff. a. EVC control set
incorrectly. a. Contact service
technician. - - -
b. Inadequate mix in hopper. b. Fill hopper with mix. 14
3. Product too soft. a. EVC control set
incorrectly. a. Contact service
technician. - - -
b. Not enough air space
around unit. b. Allow for adequate air flow
across the condenser. 2
c. Worn scraper blades. c. Replace regularly. 18
d. Dirty condenser. d. Clean monthly. 19
e. Out-of-date mix. e. Use only fresh mix. - - -
4. Mix in mix hopper too
cold. a. Temperature out of
adjustment. a. Call service technic ian. - - -
5. Mix in mix hopper too
warm. a. Temperature out of
adjustment. a. Call service technic ian. - - -
b. Warm mix placed in
hopper. b. Mix should be below
40_F. (4.4_C.) when
placed in hopper.
c. Mix hopper cover or
gasket not in position. c. Place cover and gasket in
position. 15