Model 632 Operating Procedures
Rotate the draw valve bracket t o the left and center it
into position by raising the draw arm and placing it into
the slotted groove of the draw valve bracket.
Note: The draw valve bracket must be positioned with
the notch to theleft.
Figure 27
Step 5
Lay the air tube in the bottom of the mix hopper.
Step 6
Slidethe r eardrip pan( s)int o the hole inthe s idepanel.
Figure 28
Step 7
Install the drip tray and splash shield.
Step 1
Preparea pail of approved 100 PP M sanitizing solution
(examples: 2- 1/2 gal. [9.5 liters] of Kay- 5Ror 2 gal.
[7.6 liters] of Stera- SheenR). USE WARM WATER
Step 2
Pour the sanitizing solution into the hopper and allow
it to flow into the freezing cylinder.
Figure 29
Step 3
While the solution is flowing into the freezing cylinder,
brush clean the mix hopper. While cleaning the mix
hopper, take particular care in brushing the mix level
sensing probe on the rear wall of the hopper, the mix
inlet hole, and the air tubes.
Figure 30