The Power Supplies described by this manual are defined by TDK-Lambda Americas Inc.
as a component for use in the composition of an apparatus as defined in Article 1 (1) of
the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC). These products, as individual components, do not
perform in themselves a direct function for the user of the end product. They are not
intended to be placed on the market with a direct function to a final user! As such, the
products described by this manual are not subject to the provisions of the EMC Directive
(89/336/EEC, with amendment 92/31/EEC).
The products described by this manual are intended for incorporation into a final product
by a professional assembler. It is the responsibility of the assembler to ensure that the
final apparatus or system incorporating our products complies with all relevant EMC
standards for that final product.
The operating environment as defined by TDK-Lambda Americas Inc., for the products
described by this manual is stated as follows:
The Power Supplies described by this manual are intended for use in a protected
industrial environment or in proximity to industrial power installations. These locations are
often referred to as industrial locations containing establishments that are not connected
to the low voltage public mains network.
Industrial locations are characterized by the existence of one or more of the following
• 1) industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) apparatus are present;
• 2) heavy inductive or capacitive loads are frequently switched;
• 3) currents and associated magnetic fields are high;
• 4) location supplied by their own transformer.
These components are not intended for connection to a public mains network, but are
intended to be connected to a power network supplied from a high or medium-voltage
transformer dedicated for the supply of an installation feeding manufacturing or similar
operations. They are suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic and those
directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used
for domestic purposes.
Page: 83-000-006 Rev D