All company primary standards are either certified or are traceable to certification by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology.
CLAIM FOR DAMAGE IN SHIPMENT This instrument received comprehensive mechanical and electrical inspection before
shipment. Immediately upon receipt from the carrier, and before operation, this instrument
should be inspected visually for damage caused in shipment. If such inspection reveals
damage in any way, a claim should be filed with the carrier. A full report of damage should
be obtained by the claim agent and this report should be forwarded to us. We will then
provide a disposition of the equipment and arrange for repair or replacement.
When referring to this equipment, always include the model and serial numbers.
EQUIPMENT” information applies to equipment purchased directly from TDK-
Lambda Americas Inc. End users receiving equipment from a third party should
consult the appropriate service organization for assistance with these issues.
RETURNING EQUIPMENT Before returning any equipment to the factory, the following steps shall be taken.
1. Notify TDK-Lambda Americas Inc. at 732-918-6888 or follow the instructions at
www.US.TDK-Lambda.com/HP/service.htm. Give a full description of the difficulty
including the model and serial number of the unit in question. Upon receipt of this
information, we will assign a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and
provide shipping instructions.
2. The customer shall prepay shipping charges. Equipment returned to us must be
packed in a manner to reach us without damage. The shipping container must be
marked with the RMA number in an area approximate to the shipping label with
numbers that are easy to read. All returned units that do not show the RMA number
on the outside of the container will be refused.
If the equipment is repaired within the warranty agreement, than TDK-Lambda
Americas Inc. shall pay for the return shipping to the customer.
3. For non-warranty repairs, we will submit a cost estimate for your approval prior to
proceeding. The customer shall pay return shipping charges.
Most power supplies are heavy and, when rack mounted, they should be supported by
rails along the sides of the supply from front to rear. The rails must adequately support the
unit and not block airflow. Do not support the power supply from the front panel only.
Page: 83-000-011 Rev K