1 − Introduction
Thank you for your purchase of the TASCAMBefore connecting and using the unit, please take time to read this manual thoroughly to ensure you understand how to properly set up and connect the
This product is designed to help you record and reproduce sound works to which you own the copy- right, or where you have obtained permission from the copyright holder or the rightful licensor. Unless you own the copyright, or have obtained the appropriate permission from the copyright holder or the rightful licensor, your unauthorized recording, reproduction or distribution thereof may result in severe criminal penalties under copyright laws and international copyright treaties. If you are uncertain about your rights, contact your legal advisor. Under no circumstances will TEAC Corporation be responsible for the consequences of any illegal copying performed using the
Supplied accessories
• | 1 |
• AC power cable.......................................................... | 1 |
• A | 1 |
• A waranty card.......................................................... | 1 |
Rack-mounting the unit
If you are mounting the unit in a rack, leave 1U of space above it and 4 inch (10 cm) or more of space at the rear.
Use the
About this manual
•When the alphanumeric portion of the display shows a message, this is shown in the following typeface:
•If a preset indicator in the display (i.e. one which cannot change, but is either on or off) is shown, this is shown as follows: RANDOM.
•Selectable value (i.e. values of dB) or ON and OFF selection (i.e. SRC>XXX) is shown in the following typface: XXX.