ApplicationNote Ed. 01
3 SpeedTouchTM610 Syslog
3.1 The SpeedTouchTM610 Syslog DaemonWhat is Syslog Syslog is a message generating tool that can be implemented in any network device. The
intention of the tool is to send messages over the network indicating status, actions,
possible problems, etc. from the device.
Although the syslog protocol is widely spread and evolved to a de-facto standard, only
recently some first Internet drafts and informational Request For Comments (RFC)
became available to describe the existing protocol and some proposal for enhance-
The SpeedTouchTM610
Syslog daemon
For the SpeedTouchTM610, the syslog daemon conforms to the proposed standards as
much as possible.
Syslog messages Syslog messages consist of a message header called Priority and a message body
containing the message itself.
Via the Priority identification it is possible to determine the severity and facility of a
message, hence allows to diversify the messages according their importance. Each
severity and each facility can be identified by a numerical value. The sum of the numer-
ical values of the severity and the facility indicates (the numerical value of) the priority.
In the following all severities and facilities are listed with respective notation and numer-
ical values.
Syslog priority severities Following priority severities are possible for a syslog message generated by the
SpeedTouchTM610 The severities are listed by descending priority:
Severity Notation Code
Emergency conditions, system unusable emerg 0
Alert conditions, immediate action is needed alert 1
Critical conditions crit 2
Error conditions err 3
Warning conditions warning 4
Normal but significant conditions notice 5
Informational messages info 6
Debug-level messages debug 7