ApplicationNote Ed. 01
4 The SpeedTouchTM610 SNMP
4.1 SpeedTouchTM610 SNMP configuration
SNMP Configuration There are a few settleable options covering the SNMP functionality. If no traps, sponta-
neous messages sent from the SpeedTouchTM610 to a manager, are required then all of
the default options will be sufficient to access information in the SpeedTouchTM610
from the LAN.
All SNMP settings must be changed or viewed using the CLI.
By default the SpeedTouchTM610 SNMP configuration is as follows:
The ": snmp config" command can also be used to change the following variables:
Read only and read write community names.
MIB II RFC1213 contains a number of fundamental read and writable objects
called the system group. Some of these values can be set, they are system contact,
system name, and system location.
Traps can be enabled and disabled.
The delay before the first trap is sent can be set. If traps are sent before the DSL
connection is up or the connection session is connected, e.g. Routed PPP connec-
tions, they will be lost. Therefore a delay, set at a default of 90 seconds, before
sending the first trap is observed. Changing this value may result in the first traps
being lost.
The SpeedTouchTM610 buffers traps so that there is never a flood of messages
sent to the manager which may worsen a faulty or congested connection. The
minimum time between traps can be set to between 0 seconds (no gaps inbe-
tween) and 60 seconds (default value).
If traps are required, the address of the SNMP manager must be specified. These can be
added, up to nine different SNMP manager addresses, using the “:snmp trapadd”
command. The IP address must be entered, and, if the port is different to the normal
default, 162 port, a port number can be specified. The port number will very rarely
need to be entered. Use “:snmp trapdelete” to delete such an entry.
The “:snmp get” command allows to Get, GetNext or Walk from a MIB’s object ID.
=>snmp config
Read-write SNMP community name : private
Read-only SNMP community name : public
SNMP System Contact : Service Provider
SNMP System Name : SpeedTouch 610
SNMP System Location : Customer Premises
Delay, in secs before first trap is sent : 90