Chapter 1 - Introduction
The LCP 400 application is a logical extension of the metadata workflow. Instead of using a laptop or USB memory stick to relay a shot list from a newsroom to a camera operator, or to bring back camera metadata from the field, you can carry the information with you in a handheld device as well as update and share it wirelessly.
1.4ENG workflow support
For ENG workflows, you can synchronize the LCP 400 application with a newsroom computer system and update it via a mobile connection, including GPRS and UMTS.
The implications of this integration are significant. An assignment editor can hand out stories in advance. A field crew can pick up assignments remotely via
This streamlined workflow lets journalists and editors use metadata to get straight to the key content they need to prepare the story. It also eliminates a stumbling block to a fully integrated newsroom, letting you create a unified production that starts at the moment of assignment and continues through acquisition, editing, and delivery.
The LCP 400 application works seamlessly with our Aurora™
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