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FA 34

Page 34
Image 34
Tefal SM155084, SM155074, SM155012, SM155082, SM155038 manual ±e¸´t œ¸ îU≤t, ∂U≤t Åd· Ë ¢ª∑ªu«» ±j

SM155084, SM155074, SM155038, SM155012, SM155082 specifications

Tefal is renowned for its innovative appliances, and the Tefal SM155 series of sandwich makers stands as an exemplary showcase of their commitment to quality and performance. The models SM155082, SM155012, SM155038, SM155074, and SM155084 each bring unique features, technologies, and characteristics, catering to the diverse needs of users who enjoy the art of sandwich making.

The Tefal SM155082 is designed for those who appreciate efficiency and convenience. It incorporates a non-stick cooking surface, ensuring that sandwiches come out easily without leaving residue behind. Additionally, the compact design makes it easy to store, while the indicator light signals when the appliance is ready for use, eliminating guesswork and enhancing user experience.

Next, the Tefal SM155012 stands out with its dual grill plates, allowing for versatile cooking options. This model can not only create mouthwatering sandwiches but also grill meat and vegetables. The heat distribution technology ensures that food cooks evenly, resulting in perfectly toasted bread and melted fillings. The removable plates are dishwasher safe, simplifying the cleanup process.

Moving onto the SM155038, this model showcases Tefal's commitment to higher capacity. With a larger cooking surface, users can make multiple sandwiches at once, perfect for family gatherings or meal prep. The adjustable temperature control allows for precision cooking, giving users the flexibility to achieve their desired browning level.

The SM155074 brings a fresh twist with its innovative design. Featuring a built-in timer, it enables users to set cooking times for optimal results, preventing overcooking or burning. The durable exterior ensures longevity, while the cord storage keeps the kitchen tidy, a thoughtful touch for those with limited space.

Lastly, the Tefal SM155084 combines functionality with style, offering a sleek design that looks great in any kitchen. Its quick preheat time means you’ll be enjoying hot sandwiches in no time. Enhanced safety features, such as non-slip feet and a cool-touch handle, add an extra layer of reassurance while cooking.

In conclusion, the Tefal SM155 series embodies cutting-edge technology, practical features, and robust design, making them a must-have for sandwich enthusiasts. Whether you're looking for efficiency, versatility, larger capacity, precision, or stylish design, these models provide an array of options to satisfy every culinary wish.