Command Descriptions
3–24 Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual
[ROUTe:]CONFigure <configuration>,<module_name>,<section_list>
This command is valid only for VX4330 Scanner Modules. The section numbers
specified in the <section_list> portion of this command must be between 1 and 6
for this command.
Each section of a VX4330 Module may be configured as a 40-to-1 1-wire
scanner, or as a 20-to-1 2-wire scanner/mux, or as a 10-to-1 4-wire scanner/mux.
Also, each section may be configured as a 10-to-1 4-wire scanner with indepen-
dent control of the upper and lower halves of the 4-wire common. The <configu-
ration> portion of this command indicates which of these configurations is
selected according to the following table.
<configuration> Configuration
OWIRE 40-to-1 1-wire scanner
TWIRE 20-to-1 2-wire scanner/mux
FWIRE 10-to-1 4-wire scanner/mux
FWIRI 10-to-1 4-wire scanner/mux with independent control of the
upper and lower halves of the 4-wire common.
The <module_name> argument of the command indicates which module the
command is directed to. The specified <module_name> is associated with a relay
module with a [ROUTe:]MODule:DEFine command.
The <section_list> argument indicates which sections of the selected module are
to be configured. All relays in the section(s) specified in this list are opened
when the [ROUTe:]CONFigure command is received.
Command Syntax
Query Syntax
*RST Value
Related Commands