Command Descriptions
Option 01 VXI Interface Module User Manual 3–45
This command defines a list of relay closures to sequence through. This list is
called a scan list. When the ROUTe:SCAN <channel_list> command is received,
all relays in this list are opened. In addition to defining a scan list, a trigger
source must be specified using the TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce command.
Trigger events are not recognized until triggers are armed by an INITiate
[:IMMediate] or INITiate:CONTinuous command.
When the first trigger event is detected, the first relay in the scan list is closed.
When the second trigger event is detected, the first relay is opened and the
second relay is closed. When the nth trigger event is detected, the (n–1)th relay is
opened and the nth relay is closed. The act of opening the (n–1)th relay and
closing the nth relay is called sequencing the scan list. At any given time after
the first trigger event is detected, only one relay in the scan list is closed.
The TRIGger[:SEQuence]:COUNt command may optionally be used to specify
the number of times to sequence through the entire scan list. The TRIGger
[:SEQuence]:DELay, [ROUTe:]CLOSe:DWELl, and [ROUTe:]OPEN:DWELl
commands may optionally be used to specify the time to wait after a trigger
event is detected, a relay is closed or a relay is opened. A TRIGger[:SEQuence]
[:IMMediate] command causes the scan list to be sequenced without the delay
specified by a previously issued TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay command.
In these examples the Option 01 is installed on a VX4350 Module. A VX4380
and VX4330 are installed in consecutive slots to the right of the slot containing
the VX4350.
Command Response
Assign module name “gp” to the VX4350.
Assign module name “matrix” to the VX4380.
Assign module name “scan” to the VX4330.
trix(1!1!1, 2!10!3),
Define a scan list consisting of relays 1 through 64 on the
VX4350, relays at row 1, column 1 of section 1 and row 2,
column 10 of section 3 of the VX4380 and relays 1 through 20
of section 1 of the VX4330.
Related Commands