Adjustment Procedures
3-2 DPO4000 Series Service Manual
Overview of the AdjustmentProcessBefore performingadjustment procedures, you must warm up the oscilloscope at
least ten minutes in an ambient temperature between 2 0°C and 30 °C. Adjust-
ments performedbefore warm-up or outside this temperature range may result in
poor performance.
The factoryadjustment procedure consists of a series of steps; as you move
through these steps, the oscilloscope display providesinstructions that describe
the specificinput signal requirements for each step. If the the o scilloscopepasses
the step, it moves on to the nextstep. If the oscilloscope fails, you can repeat the
step or chooseto abort the procedure.
NOTE. Do not turn any knobs or push any front-panelbuttons other than the
Next Step or PreviousStep buttons during the adjustment procedure. Doing so
will cause the oscilloscope to abort the adjustment procedure.The oscilloscope
uses the previouscalibration constants if the adjustment procedure is aborted.
The screendoes not display the actual oscilloscope settings (such as channel
input impedance or verticaland horizontal settings) during the adjustment
procedure.The oscilloscope automatically sets the instrument settings, but these
settings may not readout correctlyon the display.
During some steps, the instrument may appear to be idle for several minutes
while it is processinginformation internally.
If the oscilloscopecompletes all steps in the procedure successfully, a “Pass”
message is displayed and the new calibrationconstants take effect. If the
oscilloscope does not pass the procedure,the oscilloscope reverts to the previous