4-4 DPO4000 Series Service Manual
Toacces s the inside of the oscilloscope for inspection and cleaning, referto the
Removal Procedures in this section.
Inspect the internalportions of the oscilloscope for damage and wear, using
Table4--2 as a guide. Repairany defects immediately.
If any circuit board is repaired or replaced, check Table 4--2 to see if it is
necessaryto adjust the oscilloscope.
CAUTION. Toprevent damag ef romelect rical arcing, ensure that circuit boards
and components aredry before applying power to the oscilloscope.
Table4- 2: Internal inspection check list
Item Inspectfor Repairaction
Circuit boards Loose, broken,or corroded
solderconnect ions. Burned
circuit boards. Burned,broken, or
crackedcircuit -runplat ing.
Remove and replace damaged
circuit board.
Resistors Burned, cracked,broken, bli s-
teredcondi tion.
Remove and replace damaged
circuit board.
Solderconnect ions Cold solder orrosin j oints. Resolderj oint and clean with
isopropyl alcohol.
Capacitors Damaged orl eaking cases.
Corrodedsolder on leads or
Remove and replace damaged
circuit board.
Wiring and cables Loosepl ugs or connectors.
Burned,broken, or frayed wiring.
Firmly seat connectors. Repair or
replacem odules with defective
wiresor cabl es.
Chassis Dents, deformations, and dam-
Straighten, repair,or replace
defective hardware.
Interior Inspection