4-16 DPO4000 Series Service Manual
Unpacking and Repacking InstructionsThis section containsthe information needed to unpack the oscilloscope and
repackit for shipment or storage.
The oscilloscope and its standardaccess ories are carefully packed at the factory
in a shipping carton. If,upon receipt , damage to the shipping carton is evident,
notify the shipper.Tektronix, Inc. is not responsible for damage caused during
If you have not alreadydone so, carefullyremove the oscilloscope and its
accessories from the shipping carton and inspect t hem for damage. Save the
shipping carton forrepacking or storage.
Use a corrugatedcardboard shipping carton having a test strength of at least
275 pounds (125 kg) and with aninside dimension at least six inches (15.25 cm)
greaterthan the instrument dimensions.
If the instrument is being shipped to a TektronixService Center, enclose the
following information:
HThe owner’s address
HName and phone number of a contactperson
HTypeand serial number of the instrument
HReason for returning
HA complete descriptionof the service required
Seal the shipping cartonwith an industrial stapler or strapping tape.
Mark the addressof the Tektronix Service Center and also your own return
address on theshipping carton in two prominent locations.
The oscilloscopeshould be stored in a clean, dry environment. The following
environmentalcharacteristics apply for both shipping and storage:
HTemperaturerange: --20°Cto+60°C
HAltitude: To15,000 m
Seethe DPO4000Technical Reference for a complete listing of the environmen-
tal characteristics.