Waveform Integration
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A User Manual
5. Press Set Function to (side). Repeatedly press the same button until
intg appears in the menu label.
6. Press OK Create Math Waveform (side) to turn on the integral math
You should now have your integral math waveform on screen. See Figure
3-82. Use the Vertical SCALE and POSITION knobs to size and position
your waveform as you require.
Integral Math
Figure 3-82: Integral Math Waveform
Cursor Measurements of an Integral Waveform
Once you have displayed your integrated math waveform, use cursors to
measure its voltage over time.
1. Be sure MORE is selected (illuminated) in the channel selection buttons
and that the integrated math waveform is selected in the More main
2. Press CURSOR Mode (main) Independent (side) Func-
tion (main) H Bars (side).
3. Use the general purpose knob to align the selected cursor (solid) to the
top (or to any amplitude level you choose).
4. Press SELECT to select the other cursor.
5. Use the general purpose knob to align the selected cursor (to the bottom
(or to any amplitude level you choose).