Acquisition Modes
TDS 620A, 640A, & 644A User Manual
Limit Test Condition Met (side) lets you acquire waveforms until wave-
form data exceeds the limits specified in the limit test. Then acquisition
stops. At that point, you can also specify other actions for the oscillo-
scope to take, using the selections available in the Limit Test Setup
main menu.
In order for the digitizing oscilloscope to stop an acquisition when
limit test conditions have been met, limit testing must be turned
using the
Limit Test Setup
main menu.
Setting up limit testing requires several more steps. You can create the
template waveform against which to compare incoming waveforms, using
the Create Limit Test Template main menu item. You can then specify
that the comparison is to be made, and the channel to compare against
the template, using the Limit Test Sources main menu item.
, on page 2-19.
Limit Testing
, on page 3-73.
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