4Phaser® 8200 Color Printer

Internal Hard Drive

Item Part Number
10-Gbyte capacity
Collation, downloaded fonts, forms and overlays
functionality (requires the DP Feature Set also)
Proof Print, Saved Print, and Secure Print functionality
(requires the DP Feature Set also)
Expanded Job Accounting and PhaserHD (provides
drivers, manuals, videos, and CentreWare IS
context-sensitive help).


Item Part Number
Phaser® 8200N Feature Set
Upgrades a Phaser8200B to a Phaser 8200N
Adds 10/100BaseT Ethernet support to Phaser8200B
(non-network) configuration
This upgrade is needed (along with 8200FP) to upgrade
a Phaser8200B configuration to the DP Feature Set.
Phaser® 8200DP Plus Feature Set
Upgrades a Phaser8200N to a Phaser 8200DP
High Resolution/Photo print-quality mode,
1200x 600 dpi
Automatic two-sided printing capability
Additional 64Mbytes of memory (128 Mbytes total)
Proof Print, Saved Print, and Secure Print functionality
(requires the internal hard drive also)
Quick Collate functionality (requires the internal hard
drive also)
Page Pipelining

Phaser® Memory

Features Size Part Numbers
Guaranteed performance
Faster image processing
Up to 256 Mbytes maximum
64 Mbytes
128 Mbytes
The printer has two memory slots. When adding memory, you can use
64-Mbyte and 128-Mbyte DIMMs in combination.