12 Phaser® 8200 Color Printer
TekColor™ color correctionsYou can select a color correction to match particular press
specifications or match your computer screen’s colors. Otherwise,
select Automatic to let the printer automatically pick the best color
correction for elements in your document.
Color correction Description
Automatic ■Automatically optimizes the color correction for
each element (text, graphics, and photographs)
on the page
sRGB Display ■Printed colors (CMYK) simulate those displayed
on a computer monitor (RGB)
Vivid Color ■Produces the brightest possible colors and makes
blues appear less purple
None ■Doesn’t use a color correction so the colors you
specified in the application for your job arenot
■Use when you have specified colors from the
PANTONE® Color Chart
SWOP Press ■Specification for Web Offset Publications. Used
to match U.S. pressstandards
Euroscale Press ■Used to emulate the Euroscale 4-color process
Commercial Press ■Used to emulate the 4-color commercial press
SNAP Press ■ Specifications for Non-Heat Advertising Printing
DIC ■Used to match Dai Nippon printing inks on
coated paper
Toyo ■Used to match commercial Toyo printing in ks on
coated paper
FujiProof ■Used to match the Fuji Color Art System for
commercial North American proofs
Black and White ■Produces a black-and-white version of a
■Colors converted to grayscale
■Use to print page masters for photocopying in