30 Phaser® 8200 Color Printer
Special Media
Printing on Special MediaIn addition to bond paper, the printer can print on the following
special media:
■Phaser High-Resolution Photo Paper — see page30.
■Phaser Labels and Phaser Business Cards — see page31.
■Phaser 8200 Transparencies — see page33.
■Envelopes — see page35.
■Letterhead paper — see page39.
Printing on Phaser High-Resolution Photo Paper
The Phaser High-Resolution Photo Paper can be printed on one side
only, since it has a Xerox logo on the reverse s ide. Refer to page 5 for
more information.
1. You can either:
■Place up to 50 sheets of the photo paper face up in the
standard paper/transparency tray. Make su re that the tray
switch is set to Paper (forward position).
■Choose to manually feed the paper. Don’t place the photo
paper in the manual-feed slot until you are prompted by the
printer’s front panel to do so.
2. In the printer driver:
■Select the tray containing the high-resolution photo paper
(Upper Tray) or ManualFeed-Paper.
■Select one-sided printing.
■Select High-Resolution/Photo for the print-quality mode.
3. Send the job to the printer.
4. If you selected Manual Feed-Paper, wait until the printer’s front
panel prompts you, then insert the first sheet face down in the
manual-feed slot. Wait until you are prompted again before
adding the next sheet.