Removal and Replacement
  3$ ' ,#6 0"/$4#/(3$/ 4(1' 0(7$ 8 -/5R1(. 1$+0 ,#  ,#
 (,"' ,21 #/(3$/ 1$+ 
 $1 1'$ -0"(**-0"-.$ 0- (101-. (0#-4, -,1'$ 4-/)02/% "$ 4(1'(10 %/-,1
% "(,& 1-4 /#0 6-2
 (0"-,,$"1 1'$ + (, !- /# "-++2,(" 1(-,0" !*$ at the main
board $+-3$ 1'$ " !*$ %/-+ (10" !*$ "* +.0$$ (&2/$8
Early versions of this option did not use the video cable, power
cable, or the screws at the rear of the chassis. If your option does
not use these parts, skip steps 4, 5, and 7.
 % 20$# -, 6-2/ -.1(-, #(0"-,,$"11'$ 3(#$-" !*$ at the main
 % 20$# -, 6-2/ -.1(-,/$+-3$ 1'$14- 0"/$40"-,,$"1(,& 1'$ 00$+!*6
1- 1'$ "' 00(0 0$$ (&2/$ 8 20(,& 0"/$4#/(3$/4(1' 0(7$ 8
 $1 1'$ -0"(**-0"-.$ 0- (10!-11-+ (0#-4, -,1'$ 4-/)02/% "$ 4(1'(10
/$ / % "(,& 1-4 /#0 6-2
 % 20$# -, 6-2/ -.1(-,#(0"-,,$"1 .-4$/" !*$ %/-+ 1'$.-4$/
 % 6-2/ -.1(-, ' 0 1'$ 3(#$-" !*$ ,#./(,1$/ .-4$/" !*$ !211'$6 /$
,-1 20$# -, 6-2/ -.1(-,/$+-3$ 1'$" !*$0 %/-+1'$(/ " !*$"* +.
 0(,& 0"/$4#/(3$/ 4(1' 0(7$ 8 -/5R1(./$+-3$ 1'$ 14- 0"/$40
-, 1'$ *$%1 0(#$ -% 1'$ 00$+!*6 0$$(&2/$ 8
 -4/$+-3$ 1'$14- 0"/$40-, 1'$/$ / . ,$*1' 1 % 01$, 1'$ 00$+!*6
1- 1'$ "' 00(0
 2**1'$ 00$+!*61-4 /#0 1'$%/-,1 -%1'$ (,01/2+$,1 ,# 2. ,# -21-%
1'$ "' 00(0  /$%2**6 /-21$ 1'$" !*$0 1'/-2&'1'$(/ '-*$0(, 1'$"' 00(0
  .$/%-/+ 01$. 2,*$00 6-2,$$# 1-/$.* "$ "-+.-,$,10
-, 1'$ .1(-,  !- /#
 Disassembly $.$,#(,& -, 1'$ 3$/0(-,-% 1'$-.1(-, 6-2' 3$ /$+-3$
1'$ 0(5 -/ $(&'1 ,2101' 1 % 01$,1'$ !- /#01- 1'$+-2,1(,& !/ ")$1 0
0'-4, (, (&2/$ 8 $,1*60$. / 1$ 1'$!- /#0 ,#1'$ !/ ")$1%
. /1 -% 6-2/ -.1(-, 2,.*2&1'$ ./(,1$/.-4$/ " !*$%/-+  ,# /$+-3$
1'$ .-4$/ "-,,$"1-/ %/-+1'$ !/ ")$1!6 "-+./$00(,&1'$ +-2,1(,&
1 !0 ,# .20'(,& 1'$ "-,,$"1-/1'/-2&' 1'$!/ ")$1
Option 14 Assembly