TDS 310, TDS 320 & TDS 350 Service Manual 4Ć11
Performance Tests ')&,)* ) !% + ))&,'!%* SignalAcquisition System Check*,
Time Base System Checks, % Triggering System Checks 0 " ##
+ )+)!*+!* + + '') !%boldface +0' ,%) Warranted
Characteristics &% ' 3
+*+* !% + !**,*+!&% &$')!*% /+%*!--#! &%!)$+!&% &
')&)$% % ,%+!&%#!+0 . %+ &##&.!%)(,!)$%+* )$+
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H&,$,*+ -')&)$ %'** + ')&,)* ,%) Self Tests,
&% '3 % + &* ,%) FunctionalTests, &% '3
H !!+!1!% &*!##&*&' $,*+ -% &')+!%&) .)$3,'
')!& & + #*+ $!%,+* % $,*+ &')+!% + % $!%+
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#!*+ * " ,%) WarrantedCharacteristics !% + Specifications
Check DC Voltage Measurement Accuracy
Performance of this procedure requires input voltages up to
98 VDC. Contact with live circuits could cause injury or death. Be
sure to set the DC calibration generator to 0 volts before connectĆ
ing, disconnecting, and/or moving the test hookup during the
performance of this procedure.
Equipment Required: % ,#3%% &%%+&) +$ &% #!)3
+!&% %)+&) +$ % &% ')!*!&% &/!# # +$
Time Required: '')&/!$+#0 $!%,+*
Prerequisites: &*!##&*&' $,*+ $++ '))(,!*!+*#!*+ &%
+ + &,+',+ & #!)+!&%%)+&) +& -&#+*