Warranted Characteristics
TableĂ1Ć1:ăWarrantedCharacteristics Ċ Signal Acquisition System (Cont.)
Name Description
Accuracy, Offset Volts/DivSetting
2 mV/div - 99.5 mV/div
100 mV/div - 995 mV/div
1 V/div - 10 V/div
Offset Accuracy
±(0.4% |Net Offset1|
+ 3 mV + 0.1 div V/div setĆ
±(0.4% |Net Offset1|
+ 30 mV + 0.1 div V/div setĆ
±(0.4% |Net Offset1|
+ 300 mV + 0.1 div V/div setĆ
Analog Bandwidth, DC Coupled TDS 310:ĂDC -50 MHz
TDS 320:ĂDC - 100 MHz
TDS 350:ĂDC - 200 MHz; DC - 180 MHz for 2 mV/div
Cross Talk(Channel Isolation) 100:1 at 50 MHz with equal Volts/Div settings oneach channel
Input Impedance, DCĆCoupled 1MW±1%in parallel with 20 pF ±2.0 pF
Input Voltage, Maximum ±400 V (DC + peak AC); derate at 20 dB/decade above 100 kHz to
13 V peak AC at 3 MHz and above
Lower Frequency Limit, AC Coupled210 Hz
1Net Offset = Offset - (Position ×Volts/Div).Net offset is the voltage level at the center of the AĆD converter dynamic range. Offset
Accuracy is the accuracy of this voltage level.
2The AC Coupled Lower Frequency Limits are reduced by a factor of 10 when 10X, passive probes are used.
TableĂ1Ć2:ăWarrantedCharacteristics Ċ Time Base System
Name Description
Accuracy, Long TermSample Rate
and Delay Time
±100 ppm over any 1 ms interval
Accuracy, Delta Time MeasureĆ
ments1, 2 ForsingleĆshot acquisitions using sample acquisition mode and a
bandwidth limit setting of FULL:
ąą±(1 WI + 100 ppm |Reading| + 0.6 ns)
For repetitive acquisitions using average acquisition mode with
16 averages and a bandwidth limit setting of FULL:
ąą±(1 WI + 100 ppm |Reading| + 0.4 ns)
1For input signals 5 divisions in amplitude and a slew rate of2.0 divisions/ns at the delta time measurement points. Signal must
be acquired at a volts/division setting5 mV/division.
2The WI (waveform interval) is the time between the samples in the waveform record. Also, see the footnotes forSample Rate Range
and Equivalent Time or Interpolated Waveform Rates inTable 1Ć11 on page 1Ć12.