Settings for the Waveform to be Edited

(3) D

Sh￿ws the ti￿e ￿r p￿i￿t c￿u￿t betwee￿ the ￿eft a￿d right


vertica￿ bar curs￿rs.



(4) Horizontal Scroll

Whe￿ the disp￿ay is ￿ag￿ified h￿riz￿￿ta￿￿y with Zoom, this


i￿dicat￿r is disp￿ayed t￿ sh￿w where wavef￿r￿ p￿i￿t p￿siti￿￿s


are i￿ the CRT disp￿ay area. The area disp￿ayed ￿￿ the CRT is


sh￿w￿ with i￿verted disp￿ay.



(5) R

Sh￿ws the right vertica￿ bar curs￿r p￿siti￿￿ ti￿e ￿r p￿i￿t va￿ue


(R) a￿d the vertica￿ ￿eve￿ (Value).



(6) No. of Waveform Points

Sh￿ws the ￿u￿ber ￿f p￿i￿ts i￿ the wavef￿r￿ bei￿g edited.



(7) Top Waveform Level

Sh￿ws the t￿p ￿eve￿ f￿r the wavef￿r￿ data disp￿ayed ￿￿ the





(8) Vertical Scroll Indicator

Whe￿ the disp￿ay is ￿ag￿ified vertica￿￿y with Zoom, this


i￿dicat￿r is disp￿ayed t￿ sh￿w where the CRT disp￿ay area is i￿


ter￿s ￿f the vertica￿ axis fu￿￿ sca￿e. The area disp￿ayed ￿￿ the


CRT is sh￿w￿ with i￿verted disp￿ay.



(9) Bottom Waveform Level

Sh￿ws the b￿tt￿￿ ￿eve￿ f￿r the wavef￿r￿ data disp￿ayed ￿￿ the





(10) Marker

Sh￿ws the ti￿i￿g f￿r the ￿arker sig￿a￿s 1 a￿d 2. The ￿u￿ber


t￿ the right ￿f the w￿rd •MARKER" i￿dicates the state va￿ue f￿r


the ￿arker at which the active vertica￿ bar curs￿r (the ￿￿e


disp￿ayed with a s￿￿id ￿i￿e) ￿￿cates.



(11) Left Vertical Bar Cursor

The active curs￿r is disp￿ayed with s￿￿id ￿i￿es a￿d the


￿￿￿)￿￿vab￿e is disp￿ayed with br￿ke￿ ￿i￿es. The ￿eft curs￿r


i￿dicates the ￿eft starti￿g p￿i￿t f￿r editi￿g.



(12) Right Vertical Bar

I￿dicates the right e￿d p￿i￿t f￿r editi￿g.





(13) Button Operations

This area sh￿ws h￿w the fr￿￿t pa￿e￿ butt￿￿s ￿perate i￿ this




Press the CURSOR butt￿￿ t￿ t￿gg￿e the active vertica￿ bar


curs￿r betwee￿ ￿eft a￿d right.


The vertica￿ bar curs￿r ca￿ be ￿￿ved by pressi￿g the


CURSOR butt￿￿.



Before waveform data is created, you must use the Setting item in the side menu to select the environment for editing. The following settings are available:

View type...

Selecting the waveform data display format

Waveform Points

Setting waveform point count

Horiz. Unit

Setting horizontal axis units


Setting clock frequency

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AWG2021 User Manual