APIcom Instruction Manual Configuration
Figure 2-2: Connection Dialog
2.3. Physical Instrument Settings
This section briefly explains how to configure an API analyzer to work with APIcom. Refer to the
instrument’s manual for detailed information.
Baud Rate
In most instruments pressing SETUP-MORE-COMM-BAUD sets the baud rate. The higher the baud
rate, the faster the communication with the instrument. However, long serial cables or those with low
quality, poor cable connection or noisy phone lines (when using a modem) may require lower baud
rates. You may have to experiment to find the optimal baud rate for connection. Keep in mind that the
baud rate specified in APIcom needs to match the baud rate of the instrument! Baud rates vary between
2400 and 19200 baud (115000 in E-series models).
ID Number
The instrument ID allows you to use more than one instrument on a multi-drop setup as well as multiple
instruments of the same model. In most instruments, pressing SETUP-MORE-COMM-ID sets the
instrument’s ID.
Xon/Xoff Handshaking
Flow control improves communication between host computer and instrument and may prevent many
transfer failures (particularly when uploading the iDAS configuration). To enable Xon/Xoff flow control in
APIcom, it must also be enabled in the instrument by setting the instrument’s RS232_MODE variable
Older API instruments do not have Xon/Xoff, hence, the default value for flow control in APIcom is set to
Modem support can be enabled in instruments by setting the RS232_MODE and the MODEM_INIT
setup variables properly. Please consult the instrument documentation and/or the factory for details on
doing this.
If modem support is enabled it is critical that “computer” mode is also enabled. Otherwise, the
instrument will try to send the modem initialization string to the modem when the instrument powers up.
Most likely, the modem is also in echo mode at that time and the modem will echo an AT command to
the instrument returning an AT echo from the instrument in an indefinite loop.
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