APIcom Instruction Manual M700 Calibrator Sequences
Figure 5-3: Sequence Properties Dialog
The following table describes the properties shown above.
Table 5-2: Sequence Properties
Property Description
Name Name of this sequence. The name cannot contain any spaces.
Run mode Run one time: runs the sequence one time when it’s executed. This is the usual
Run several times: runs the sequence the number of times specified (0-100).
Note that a value of 0 is the same as Run until halted, and a value of 1 is the
same as Run one time.
Run until halted: runs the sequence indefinitely until interrupted by pressing
STBY on the front panel.
Enable Automatic
If checked, the sequence will be executed automatically at timed intervals and the
Start Date, Start Time, and Repeat Period properties will be enabled.
Start Date Date when the sequence should first execute. It is typically a date in the past, but
if it is a date in the future, the instrument won’t execute the sequence until that
Start Time Time on the starting date when the sequence should first execute.
Repeat Period Number of days, hours, and minutes, measured from the starting date and time,
between each execution of the sequence. At least one of the three fields of this
property must be non-zero.
Contact Closure
If Enable checked, the sequence will execute when the contact closure input
pattern specified by checkboxes 1–12 is detected. If Enable is unchecked, the
sequence will ignore the contact closure inputs.
Contact Closure
If Enable checked, the contact closure outputs will be set to the pattern indicated
by checkboxes 1–12 when the sequence is executed. If Enable is unchecked, the
contact closure outputs will not be altered when the sequence executes. Note that
there is a contact closure output step that can alter the contact closure outputs at
any point in the sequence.
05499 Rev. A 5-4