TERK Technologies TV38 HDTV owner manual

Models: TV38 HDTV

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T0437-TV38 Revise-OM.qxp 11/11/03 04:34 AM Page 5

Antenna Assembly (continued)

Antenna Assembly (continued)


5. Find the larger antenna section and remove the nut and bolt. Slide the narrow boom of the front antenna into the larger section. Tap lightly with a rubber mallet on the end of the small boom aligning the bolt holes. (See figure 4.)


7. Remove the rear nut and bolt from the larger antenna section. Slide the narrow boom of the rear antenna into the larger section. Tap lightly with a rubber mallet on the end of the small boom, aligning the bolt holes. (See figure 6.)

Re-install the bolt and nut; be sure to tighten it securely.

NOTE: Make sure that the side of the small boom with the phasing lines line up with the nuts on the large boom.

Fig. 4

6.Remove the nuts and washers from the top of the first element holder studs. (See figure 5.) Place the phasing lines from the front section over the studs, and re-attach the washers and hex nuts. Tighten them securely.

Phasing Lines

Fig. 5


Re-install the bolt and nut; be sure to tighten it securely.

8. Remove the nut and washer from the top of the last element

holder stud on the top side of the antenna and repeat the process on the last element holder stud on the bottom side of the antenna. (See figure 6.) Place the phasing lines from the rear section over the stud, one on the top side, one on the bottom, and reattach the washers and hex nuts. Tighten them securely.

Fig. 6

9.Lay the boom brace on top of the antenna keeping all the U-bolts on the same side. Locate the bolt hole in the corner reflector and attach the brace with the bolt and nut. Swing the boom brace down towards the rear. Form a "V" with the metal straps. Bolt the “V” to each side of boom. (See figures 7 and 8.)

Fig. 7

Fig. 8


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TERK Technologies TV38 HDTV owner manual