Memory Device Drivers
Memory Manager Error MessagesError messages displayed by the memory manager are divided into two groups. The
following first group displays general memory manager errors.
Invalid parameter specified - One of the parameters specified on the command line in
your CONFIG.SYS file is invalid.
Expected equal after parameter - One of the parameters on the command line expected an
equal sign (=) after the parameter, but none was found.
Invalid number specified - A number was expected, but an alphabetic character or a
number containing invalid characters was found.
Context depth must be between 1 and 32 - An invalid number of contexts was specified.
The number specified cannot be zero or greater than 32. See "Contexts" parameter earlier
in this appendix.
Invalid page frame address specified - The page frame address specified is not available
for banking. The memory manager requires a 64-KB area above A000 that is free of
expansion ROM and RAM. See 'Start" parameter earlier in this appendix.
Number of handles must be at least 3 - The number of handles specified is less than 3.
The number of handles specified must be between 3 and 255. See "Handles" parameter
earlier in this appendix.
Number of handles cannot exceed 255 - The number of handles specified is greater than
255. The number of handles specified must be between 3 and 255. See "Handles"
parameter earlier in this appendix.
F-12 Configuring Memory