Starting Your Computer
Your new TravelMate 3000 Notebook Computer is shipped from the factory with software
already installed on the hard disk. The TravelMate 3000 has MS-DOS version 4.01,
Laptop Manager, Laptop File Manager, BatteryPro, Battery Watch, RPAL palette utility,
and other software programs that make your computer more powerful and easier to use.
Follow these steps to start your computer.
1. If you have not done so, set up your computer for either battery
operation or AC Adapter operation, as described earlier in this chapter.
2. Set the computer power switch to the I (on) position. The TravelMate
3000 begins its internal memory checks and displays copyright and
version-number data.
Note: Do not turn the power switch off and on quickly. Leave the power off at least 5
seconds before turning it on again.
The TravelMate 3000 then loads the expanded memory driver, BatteryPro, MS-DOS,
Cache, Shadow, RPAL, Battery Watch, and other utilities, displaying copyright and
version number messages on the screen as each program loads. The computer then loads
Laptop Manager and displays its main menu.
See the BatteryPro & Productivity Software User's Manual furnished with your computer
for detailed instructions on configuring and using the Laptop Manager program and its
main menu.
Getting Started 3-13