Chapter 5 - Installing and Using Application Programs briefly describes guidelines for
installing your own application programs plus some of the software installed at the factory
in your TravelMate 3000, including the BatteryPro, Laptop Manager, and password
Chapter 6 - TravelMate 3000 Options describes several options that can enhance the
performance of your TravelMate 3000-Numeric Keypad, RAM Modules, Internal Modem,
80387SX Coprocessor, external CRT monitors, and printers.
Chapter 7- Taking Care of Your Computer provides information on cleaning your
TravelMate 3000, as well as caring for your battery and conserving battery power.
Appendix A - Specifications lists operating and environmental specifications for your
TravelMate 3000.
Appendix B - Character Sets Illustrates U.S. and international character sets used by the
TravelMate 3000.
Appendix C - Keyboard Layouts illustrates the characters generated by the U.S. and
other national keyboards.
Appendix D - Diagnostics describes the diagnostic routines you can run to ensure that
your TravelMate 3000 is functioning properly.
Appendix E - Troubleshooting describes problems that can occur with your TravelMate
3000 and what to do about them, plus how to restore MS-DOS system files to your hard
disk in case they are erased for some reason.
Appendix F - Configuring Memory describes the TravelMate 3000's standard memory
and the memory options available for the computer.