System-Side Impedance Track™ Fuel Gauge
SLUS785 – SEPTEMBER 2007 Control( ): 0x00/0x01
Issuing a Control( ) command requires a subsequent two-byte sub-command. These additional bytesspecify the particular control function desired. The Control( ) command allows the system to controlspecific features of the bq27500 during normal operation and additional features when the bq27500/1 is indifferent access modes, as described in Table 4-2 .
Table 4-2. Control( ) Subcommands
CONTROL STATUS 0x0000 Yes Reports the status of DF Checksum, Hibernate, IT, etc.
DEVICE TYPE 0x0001 Yes Reports the device type (eg: "bq27500")
FW VERSION 0x0002 Yes Reports the firmware version on the device type
HW VERSION 0x0003 Yes Reports the hardware version of the device type
Reserved 0x0004 No Not to be used
RESET DATA 0x0005 No Returns reset data
Reserved 0x0006 No Not to be used
PREV_MACWRITE 0x0007 No Returns previous MAC command code
Reports the chemical identifier of the Impedance Track™CHEMID 0x0008 Yes
BOARD OFFSET 0x0009 No Forces the device Board Offset to be measured and stored
CC INT OFFSET 0x000b No Forces the device to measure and store the internal CC offset
SET HIBERNATE 0x0011 Yes Forces DF:Pack Configuration [HIBERNATE] to 1
CLEAR HIBERNATE 0x0012 Yes Forces DF:Pack Configuration [HIBERNATE] to 0
SEALED 0x0020 No Places the bq27500/1 in SEALED access mode
IT ENABLE 0x0021 No Enables the Impedance Track™ algorithm
IFCHECKSUM 0x0022 No Reports the instruction flash checksum
CALMODE 0x0040 No Places the bq27500/1 in calibration mode
RESET 0x0041 No Forces a full reset of the bq27500/1 CONTROL STATUS: 0X0000
Instructs the gas gauge to return status information to Control addresses 0x00/0x01. The status wordincludes the following information.
Table 4-3. CONTROL STATUS Bit Definitions
Flags( ) bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
High Byte – FAS SS - CCA BCA – –
FAS = Status bit indicating the bq27500/1 is in FULL ACCESS SEALED state. Active when set.SS = Status bit indicating the bq27500/1 is in SEALED State. Active when set.CCA = Status bit indicating the bq27500/1 is Coulomb Counter Calibration routine is active. Active when set.BCA = Status bit indicating the bq27500/1 Board Calibration routine is active. Active when set.HIBERNATE = Status bit indicating a request for entry into HIBERNATE from SLEEP mode. True when set. Default is 0.SLEEP = Status bit indicating the bq27500/1 is in SLEEP mode. True when set. Default is 0.LDMD = Status bit indicating the bq27500/1 Impedance Track™ algorithm is using constant-power mode. True when set. Default is 0(constant-current mode)RUP_DIS = Status bit indicating the bq27500/1 Ra table updates are disabled. Updates disabled when set.VOK = Status bit indicating the bq27500/1 voltages are OK for QMAX. True when set.QEN = Status bit indicating the bq27500/1 QMAX updates enabled. True when set. DEVICE TYPE: 0x0001
Instructs the fuel gauge to return the device type to addresses 0x00/0x01.
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