bq27501System-Side Impedance Track™ Fuel Gauge
The bq27500/1 has several data flash variables that permit the user to customize the Impedance Track™algorithm for optimized performance. These variables are dependent upon the power characteristics of theapplication as well as the cell itself.
Load Mode
Load Mode is used to select either the constant current or constant power model for the Impedance Track™ algorithm as used inLoad Select (see Load Select). When Load Mode is 0, the Constant Current Model is used (default). When 1, the ConstantPower Model is used. The [LDMD] bit of CONTROL STATUS reflects the status of Load Mode.
Load Select
Load Select defines the type of power or current model to be used to compute load-compensated capacity in the ImpedanceTrack™ algorithm. If Load Mode = 0 ( Constant Current) then the options presented in Table 5-1 are available.
Table 5-1. Constant-Current Model Used When Load Mode = 0
LoadSelect Value Current Model Used
Average discharge current from previous cycle: There is an internal register that records the average discharge0
current through each entire discharge cycle. The previous average is stored in this register.
Present average discharge current: This is the average discharge current from the beginning of this discharge1(default)
cycle until present time.
2 Average Current: based on AverageCurrent( )
3 Current: based off of a low-pass-filtered version of AverageCurrent( ) (τ=14s)
4 Design Capacity / 5: C Rate based off of Design Capacity /5 or a C/5 rate in mA.
5 AtRate (mA): Use whatever current is in AtRate( )
6 User_Rate-mA: Use the value in User_Rate( ). This gives a completely user configurable method.
If ILoad Mode = 1 ( Constant Power) then the following options shown in Table 5-2 are available.
Table 5-2. Constant-Power Model Used When Load Mode = 1
LoadSelect Value Power Model Used
Average discharge power from previous cycle: There is an internal register that records the average discharge0
power through each entire discharge cycle. The previous average is stored in this register.
Present average discharge power: This is the average discharge power from the beginning of this discharge cycle1(default)
until present time.
2 Average Current ×Voltage: based off the AverageCurrent( ) and Voltage( ).
3 Current ×Voltage: based off of a low-pass-filtered version of AverageCurrent( ) (τ=14s) and Voltage( )
4 Design Energy / 5: C Rate based off of Design Energy /5 or a C/5 rate in mA.
5 AtRate (10 mW): Use whatever value is in AtRate( ).
6 User_Rate-10mW: Use the value in User_Rate( ) mW. This gives a completely user configurable method.
Reserve Cap-mAh
Reserve Cap-mAh determines how much actual remaining capacity exists after reaching 0 RemainingCapacity( ), beforeTerminate Voltage is reached. A no-load rate of compensation is applied to this reserve.
Reserve Cap-mWh
Reserve Cap-mWh determines how much actual remaining capacity exists after reaching 0 AvailableEnergy( ), beforeTerminate Voltage is reached. A no-load rate of compensation is applied to this reserve capacity.
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