bq27501System-Side Impedance Track™ Fuel Gauge
Table 4-5. Extended Data Commands (continued)
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
BlockData( ) DFD 0x55 0x5f N/A R R/W
BlockDataCheckSum( ) DFDCKS 0x60 N/A R/W R/W
BlockDataControl( ) DFDCNTL 0x61 N/A N/A R/W
DeviceNameLength( ) DNAMELEN 0x62 N/A R R
DeviceName( ) DNAME 0x63...0x69 N/A R R
ApplicationStatus( ) APPSTAT 0x6a N/A R R
Reserved RSVD 0x6b...0x7f N/A R R DesignCapacity( ): 0x3c/0x3d
SEALED and UNSEALED Access: This command returns the theoretical or nominal capacity of a newpack. The value is stored in Design Capacity and is expressed in mAh. This is intended to be thetheoretical or nominal capacity of a new pack, but has no bearing on the operation of the fuel gaugefunctionality. DataFlashClass( ): 0x3e
UNSEALED Access: This command sets the data flash class to be accessed. The class to be accessedshould be entered in hexadecimal.
SEALED Access: This command is not available in SEALED mode. DataFlashBlock( ): 0x3f
UNSEALED Access: This command sets the data flash block to be accessed. When “0x00” is written toBlockDataControl( ),DataFlashBlock( ) holds the block number of the data flash to be read or written.Example: writing a 0x00 to DataFlashBlock( ) specifies access to the first 32 byte block and a 0x01specifies access to the second 32 byte block, and so on.
SEALED Access: This command directs which data flash block will be accessed by the BlockData( )command. Writing a 0x00 to DataFlashBlock( ) specifies the BlockData( ) command will transferauthentication data. Issuing a 0x01, 0x02 or 0x03 instructs the BlockData( ) command to transferManufacturer Info Block A, B, or C, respectively. BlockData( ): 0x40 0x5f
UNSEALED Access: This data block is the remainder of the 32 byte data block when accessing dataflash.
SEALED Access: This data block is the remainder of the 32 byte data block when accessingManufacturer Block Info A, B, or C. BlockDataChecksum( ): 0x60
UNSEALED Access: This byte contains the checksum on the 32 bytes of block data read or written todata flash. The least significant byte of the sum of the data bytes written must be complemented ( [255 x] , for xthe least significant byte) before being written to 0x60.
SEALED Access: This byte contains the checksum for the 32 bytes of block data written to ManufacturerInfo Block A, B, or C. The least significant byte of the sum of the data bytes written must becomplemented ( [255 x] , for xthe least significant byte) before being written to 0x60. BlockDataControl( ): 0x61
UNSEALED Access: This command is used to control data flash access mode. Writing 0x00 to thiscommand enables BlockData( ) to access general data flash. Writing a 0x01 to this command enablesSEALED mode operation of DataFlashBlock( ).
SEALED Access: This command is not available in SEALED mode.
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