Troubleshooting 253
Can I retrieve my students’ account passwords in the
TI-Navigator™ system if they forget them?
No. Once you enter your students’ passwords, they become hidden. If
your students forget their passwords and you do not have their
passwords recorded elsewhere, you must reset their passwords in the
TI-Navigator™ system.
Why can’t I edit a student’s information?
You can’t edit your students’ information because they are logged in to
the TI-Navigator™ network.
Why can’t I delete a student?
You cannot delete the student because the student is logged in to the
TI-Navigator™ network.
Why can’t I see my students’ passwords?
The TI-Navigator™ system hides the passwords to protect your students’
privacy. You cannot retrieve the passwords in the TI-Navigator™ system.
However, you can reset the passwords.
Can my students create their own passwords?
Yes. When you add or edit your student, select Student Chooses. This lets
your student choose their own password the first time they log in.
Why wasn’t a student’s password reset?
There are two reasons why a student’s password might not be reset:
• You did not select the student when you reset the passwords.
• The student was logged in at the time you reset the password. You
cannot reset the password of a student who is logged in.
How many characters can I use in a student’s user name?
You can use 3 to 12 letters and/or numbers.
How many characters can I use in a student’s password?
You can use 3 to 12 letters and/or numbers.
Can I give students the same user name?
No, you cannot give students the same user name, even if they are in
different classes. All student user names must be unique.
Why can’t I move or copy students to different classes?
Either the students are logged in or the students already exist in the class
where you are trying to move them.